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New Year's Resolutions For Hearing

As the new year approaches, many people start to imagine the possibilities that the new year can bring. With that comes the tradition of new year’s resolutions. If you are worried about your hearing health, now is an excellent time to add it to your list this year. If you have been neglecting your hearing health and want to improve it this year, we have put together the New Year’s resolutions for hearing health to help you get started.

2023 New Year’s Resolutions For Hearing Health


Have Your Hearing Checked

While you might be aware that something is wrong, there is nothing you can do effectively without taking a hearing test first. A hearing test will return precise results that can be used to determine how far along any hearing damage has developed and potential treatment options. Before you try anything else, make sure to get your hearing tested right away.

Think Holistically

Let’s face it. The human body does not have seams or separate parts. It’s a complex system that must be dealt with as a whole. When dealing with hearing health, anything in the body, even remotely connected to hearing, must be considered. Improving areas like blood circulation, stress levels, and sleeping patterns can positively affect hearing in the long term.

Establish Better Hearing Habits

As the old saying goes, “it’s the little things that count,” this is no different for hearing health. Taking small steps to improve will add up to considerable benefits for hearing health. One great way to start is to identify and stop any bad habits you might have. Avoid cotton swabs for cleaning your ears, have them cleaned by an expert instead. Let your ears dry out completely before going out in the cold.

Be Prepared to Protect

Being ready to protect your hearing at the first sign of extreme sounds will go a long way toward helping your hearing health. Keep the volume down on personal devices like cel-phones and music players. Use noise-canceling headphones to counteract unexpected sounds while outside. Having earplugs in your vehicle or on hand in loud environments will prevent damage to your hearing at places like work or a concert.