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Musician Hearing Loss

Music and musicians are an integral part of the history and culture of the entire world. Music can define a culture and provides an emotional expression that goes beyond words. For everyone who loves to play or listen to music, full-spectrum hearing is an essential part of the experience. Not being able to register all the sounds can diminish the quality of the performance. Sadly, musicians are much more prone to hearing damage due to constant exposure to high-decibel sounds. The same is true for anyone who listens to music at high volumes. However, with the proper precautions, you can protect your hearing while enjoying music at unreasonable levels. Follow these musician hearing loss tips to ensure you can hear your tunes for years.

Musician Hearing Loss: Helpful Tips to Prevent Hearing Loss


Turn the Volume Down

There are many reasons to decrease the volume; developing tinnitus is a big one. Anything over 80 decibels can permanently damage hearing. Keeping the volume down in the studio helps, as well as standing behind speakers like amps and monitors to protect hearing by reducing strain on the ears. A good rule is to move away from the source if you can’t reach the knob. Distance is another way to reduce the effects of loud sounds.

Use Earplugs

Earplugs, whether disposable or custom, offer protection from high-decibel sounds. Anyone who has worked in the music industry will tell you they are a must when the music reaches a fever pitch and goes to full volume. The best part about earplugs is they can be stashed anywhere, in your pocket, in your music case, or where ever music is played.

Give Your Ears a Break

Loud sounds and high-volume loads can strain hearing to the point of damage. When exposed for prolonged periods, make sure to take breaks. The current standard recommendation to protect hearing is to limit exposure to one hour and then rest the ears for at least 10 to 20 minutes.

Make Use of Earbuds and Headphones

Earbuds and headphones help by allowing complete control of the volume levels and can muffle explosive sounds like those from drum kits. More specialized in-ear monitors can also provide an added layer of protection.

Check Your Hearing Periodically

Having regular hearing tests will help you keep track of even slight changes to your hearing. Doing this will help you stay ahead of issues as they arise.

Keep Track of Volume Levels

Using a device to track sound levels can help you gauge the volume’s loudness in real-time and can help you keep track of when it gets dangerous. Sound meter apps are available for smartphones and stand-alone units to help you know when too much volume is present.