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Thanksgiving With Hearing Loss

Thanksgiving is a day of feasting, family, and memories, and it can be as stressful as it is memorable. But for those who use hearing aids, the issues associated with Thanksgiving can reach unbearable levels. Background noises like other people’s conversations, the clacks, and clangs of dishes, music, and noises from cell phones can all wreak havoc on your hearing aids’ ability to function. Under these circumstances, even casual conversation becomes impossible. We have put together some of the best tips to help you survive Thanksgiving with hearing loss.

Thanksgiving With Hearing Loss: The Thanksgiving Hearing Loss Survival Guide


Start With Your Hearing Aids

It’s a good idea to get your hearing tested and to have your hearing aids checked before Thanksgiving. Even if you’re not struggling with your hearing aids, ensuring everything is optimal can make all the difference when it comes to get-togethers during the holiday. If your hearing aids are outdated, newer models that utilize the latest technology may require a little time to get comfortable with.

Plan Ahead

Planning ahead will make things easier for everyone, whether you are visiting or hosting guests. Taking extra time to attend to the small details like seating arrangements, background entertainment, and break/quiet areas will help make the hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving day go much smoother.

Communicate Your Needs

If you last saw your friends and relatives a while ago, they may not be aware of the changes in your hearing. As a result, they may not know how to handle it at first. Talking openly and explaining what is going on will help them understand and be more comfortable with the situation.

Take Hearing Breaks as Needed

Straining to hear everything going on can be exhausting. Make sure to take frequent breaks from concentrating on hearing throughout the day. Getting away from the conversation with a quick nap or dinner prep can give your hearing a much-needed time out.

Use the Table Plan

People who have better hearing in one ear than the other are advised to use table planning. This means to try to sit with your good side to the people or sounds you want to hear best. Of course, a table is unnecessary for this to work; swapping places with someone on a sofa or bench produces the same result.

Make Sure to Protect Your Hearing

It’s actually easier to damage your hearing when it is already impaired. Keeping foam earplugs on hand will help protect hearing from damage from things like loud music and fireworks for you and your loved ones.