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Halloween Safety Tips for Hearing Loss

For many families across America, Halloween is the time for costumes, candy, and family traditions. But for those with hearing loss, the real dangers can overshadow Halloween’s jump scares and spooky vibes. It’s not a cliche to say that the best Halloween is a safe Halloween. To help, we have put together the best Halloween safety tips for hearing loss.

The Top 3 Halloween Safety Tips for Hearing Loss

Costume Safety

The biggest problems on Halloween usually start with costuming issues.
Avoid dark and dull costumes in favor of bright, colorful ones to aid in visibility when walking around a neighborhood as it gets dark. It’s also important to keep away from hoods, wigs, masks, or hats that cover the ears or impair sight. Having your sense of sight clear becomes even more vital when hearing is diminished. Finally, make sure to do a test fitting of your costume so you can catch any issues and correct them ahead of time.

Planning Ahead

When it comes to safety, getting ready well beforehand can mean the difference between an evening of fond memories and disaster. Make sure costumes and make-up are in good order, and try them on to ensure they don’t interfere with hearing aids or obstruct vision or movement. Know where you are going as soon as possible; scouting ahead can help spot problem areas before they become an issue. Keep up to date with your local weather forecasts leading up to Halloween so you can make adjustments as needed. Many groups, such as churches and schools, hold Halloween events for costume and candy fun advertise online, making it very easy to find a safe place to go.

Check Your Batteries

Without power, your hearing aids are useless unless you need an odd-shaped paperweight. Make sure to have new or fully charged batteries on hand just in case they run out. A really good idea is to make sure your costume has pockets of some kind so you can carry extra with you.

In the end, a little extra forethought and planning will help ensure another safe memorial Halloween for your entire family.