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Ear Care

Beach Tips For Hearing Aid Users

By August 31, 2022No Comments

Hearing Aid Beach Tips

The beach in summer is the perfect way to beat the heat, but hearing aid users should be careful to keep hearing aids safe from the hazards of waterfront activities. Your hearing aids are designed to improve your life, allowing you to live it to its fullest. But, many of the threats that can damage your device can be found on the beach. Fortunately, there are simple steps and habits you can follow to keep your devices safe while enjoying the water. To help, we have collected some of the best hearing aid beach tips that will keep your device safe while you enjoy the summer.

Hearing Aid Beach Tips to Follow this Season

Keep Your Hearing Aids as Clean as Possible

Dirt and debris can be almost as harmful to your devices as moisture. Keeping them clean will help ensure they will last for a long time. Apply sunscreen and tanning lotions and wash your hands before you put in your hearing aids. Oils and lotions smeared on your device will attract things like dirt and sand.

Don’t Leave Hearing Aids Exposed to Prolonged Heat

Like most modern devices, such as cell phones and laptops, hearing aids do not do well with temperatures above 120 degrees. Batteries are especially susceptible to losing charge due to high heat. Avoid leaving them in the car or sitting in the sun.

Take a Carrying Case or Waterproof Container

Wearing hearing aids on the beach can only go so far; once it comes time to take a dip in the water or to get buried in the sand, continuing to wear them is a recipe for disaster. Bringing along a carrying case or waterproof container like a ziplock bag will help them stay clean and dry.

Keep Hearing Aids as Dry as Possible

When it comes to the summer heat, bodies of water are not the only source of moisture. Sweat is a serious threat that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Keep a light towel or cloth in your travel case to give them a quick clean. Wear sweatbands to capture sweat and keep it away from your hearing aids.

Take Company With You

It can sometimes be dangerous to remove your hearing aids in public places. Alerts and sirens that are used to get people’s attention could be missed. Having another listener along will allow you to take out your hearing aids without fear.