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Ear Care

Springtime Hearing Protection Tips and Tricks

Springtime Hearing Protection Tips

Springtime is celebrated every year as the time of renewal, growth, and outdoor events. With the cold weather of winter passing away, it seems like the whole world is ready to get outside and enjoy the warmer temperatures to the fullest. Unfortunately, the season’s excitement can overshadow the genuine risks to hearing health that springtime brings along with it. Just in case it slipped your mind, we have put together this handy guide of springtime hearing protection tips to help you protect your hearing health this spring.

Springtime Hearing Protection Tips: The Dangerous Sounds of Spring

Some of the most popular outdoor activities for springtime are also responsible for the most common hearing health risk found during the season. Many people forget to consider the risks to hearing when they venture out to enjoy the activities of spring. Loud sounds are easily overlooked until they create problems that could lead to permanent damage. Whether it’s the lawnmower or an outdoor concert, loud sounds can happen almost anytime you are outside, sometimes without warning.

Exposure to Water

Another common danger to hearing health comes from another spring activity that many people enjoy, swimming and exposure to water. Nothing says spring quite like the first dip in the pool or BBQ at the lake. Unfortunately, this activity can lead to issues like Swimmer’s Ear, which can cause problems if proper precautions are not taken.

Wind and Debris

Sometimes just being outside can lead to severe problems, as dust, dirt, and debris carried by a strong wind can blow foreign matter into the ears creating blockages, injuries, and potential infections. If something sharp gets lodged too deep, it can even cut the opening to the ear canal if not removed gently.

Protective Gear

Besides being aware of your environment, the other best advice is to have protective gear on hand to prevent issues before they arise. Loud sounds above 85 decibels can be blocked out with noise-canceling headphones or earplugs, reducing any chance of damage to your hearing. Earplugs are also great for blocking out water and debris as well. Since earplugs are small and can fit into any pocket, there really isn’t any good reason to leave them behind when seeking out springtime adventures of any type.

Most experts recommend an excellent low-tech solution known as a hat for dealing with dangers from debris in the wind. A solid brimmed hat can do a dependable job of keeping debris out of your ears. If you find something has made its way into your ears, don’t force it out, you could cause more damage than intended. If a piece of debris doesn’t come out on its own, make sure to see a medical professional to have it removed safely.