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Hearing Loss

Common Myths about Hearing Loss

By October 31, 2021No Comments

Myths about Hearing Loss

In today’s high-tech world, where knowledge and information are flowing faster than ever before, it’s hard to imagine that many older myths about hearing loss persist. These misconceptions can cause a great deal of harm due to the negative perception that can prevent people from seeking the help of a medical professional. The truth is that there are many causes of hearing loss that can affect people of any age or background. The science and technology surrounding hearing loss has also advanced considerably over the past decade. To help dispel some of the most common myths and misconceptions, we compiled the following list to make things more straightforward and understandable.

Myths about Hearing Loss: The Common Misconceptions about Hearing Loss

Myth– Hearing loss only develops with advanced age.
Truth– Hearing loss can affect anyone of any age. At the same time, some people develop hearing issues as they get older; some are born with hearing difficulties, while others are afflicted later on as teens or adults.

Myth– My primary doctor will know if I am developing hearing issues.
Truth– While it is always a good idea to listen to your primary health provider, they can’t tell you everything all the time. Only a trained audiologist can detect and diagnose hearing loss. If you are experiencing difficulty in hearing, you may need to tell your doctor so that they can refer you to a hearing specialist.

Myth– I would notice if I were developing hearing loss.
Truth– While the sudden onset of hearing issues is easy to detect, many conditions are gradual and are not noticed until the condition is severe. Many early signs of hearing damage are subtle and can be mistaken for lack of focus or selective listening. For this reason, it is recommended to have your hearing checked periodically.

Myth– Hearing loss doesn’t affect the rest of my health.
Truth– Probably one of the most dangerous myths, hearing loss could be a symptom of other problematic issues with cognitive or emotional functions. Ignoring the condition of hearing loss can invite a lot more problems as well.

Myth– It seems like I am having hearing issues with only one ear.
Truth– Often, people who are experiencing hearing loss will notice a difference between each ear’s ability to hear. While this may be the case, most likely, if you have hearing loss in one ear, it is present in both.

Myth– Hearing aids are bulky, uncomfortable, and expensive.
Truth– Older models of hearing aid devices will never be forgotten, it seems. Before advancements in miro-technology and ergonomic design, Hearing aid devices were very bulky and could be uncomfortable. However, the newest designs are not only sleek, form-fitting, and much smaller than years past; they are also much less expensive to purchase and maintain.

In the end, the real truth is that your ability to hear is a precious thing and should be taken care of. Make sure to talk to an audiologist to test your hearing regularly.