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The perception of sound when there is no sound present is known as tinnitus, and while this condition affects millions of people, there has been some confusion regarding the facts. Misinformation is misleading and can even be dangerous, and in the case of tinnitus, misinformation can prevent you from getting the help that you need and deserve. Not knowing the truth about this common condition limits one’s understanding and can have an adverse effect on a person’s quality of life. Unfortunately, there are many myths about tinnitus floating around out there, but we want to help put those myths to bed and expose the facts.

The danger of misinformation surrounds us, so being able to distinguish fact from fiction is a necessity. To help spread knowledge and understanding, continue reading to learn the truth behind some of the myths of tinnitus.

Myth #1: You Can Only Get Tinnitus If You Have Hearing Loss

Fact: While it is true that tinnitus and hearing loss can go hand in hand, this is not always the case. Meaning you can have tinnitus without hearing loss. For example, you might experience a temporary case of tinnitus after a loud rock concert, or from operating loud machinery without wearing ear protection. Unfortunately, some people are predisposed to this condition and can develop it for no known reason.

Myth #2: The Sounds Associated With Tinnitus Are the Same for All Sufferers

Fact: While two people can hear the same sound, the sounds associated with tinnitus can vary for each individual. Also, the sounds can vary in ferocity, frequency, as well as pitch from person to person. For some people, they may experience bells or music in their ears one day, and then the next they are inundated with a ringing or buzzing noise.

Myth #3: Tinnitus Can Not Be Helped With Cochlear Implants or Hearing Aids

Fact: Utilizing cochlear implants or hearing aids is an excellent way to manage your tinnitus and may be a viable treatment option. Besides helping to improve hearing loss, both devices can help you mask the internal sounds of tinnitus, allowing you to concentrate on external sounds.

Myth #4: Tinnitus is All in Your Head

Fact: Even though there is no test to prove that you have this ailment, tinnitus is a real condition, and no, it’s not all in your head. Tinnitus can range in severity, and this condition can be temporary or permanent. While there is no test for tinnitus, tinnitus is typically defined by discussing your symptoms with your doctor.

Myth #5: There is No Cure for Tinnitus

Fact: While it is true that there is no cure for tinnitus, there are several treatment options that can help make this condition manageable and easier to live with. Wearing hearing aids is one way a person can help mask the sounds of tinnitus. In addition, many patients find that counseling, acupuncture, meditation, and sound therapy helps. However, in certain cases, tinnitus can be a symptom of medication or a symptom of another condition. By uncovering the underlying condition or finding the medication at fault, you are then able to find relief.